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Specimens online:821
Reserved spec.:34
Countries n°:61
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1 - Cornwallit (Min)
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3 - Serpierite (Min)
4 - Arsenopyri (Min)
5 - Kammererit (Min)
6 - Tourmaline (Min)
7 - Spessartin (Min)
8 - Calcite fl (Min)
9 - Apophyllit (Min)
10 - Plancheite (Rol)
11 - Calcite va (Rol)
12 - Plancheite (Rol)
13 - Carrollite (Rol)
14 - Calcite va (Rol)
15 - Cerussite, (Rol)
16 - Anatase, P (Rol)
17 - Apatite (Rol)
18 - Arseniosid (Rol)
19 - Pyroaurite (Rol)
20 - Portlandit (Rol)
21 - Palygorski (Rol)
22 - Plattnerit (Rol)
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25 - Mesolite - (Rol)
26 - Chabazite (Rol)
27 - Boleite (T (Min)
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53 - Posnjakite (GMi)
54 - Hureaulite (GMi)
55 - Gismondine (GMi)
56 - Fassaite (GMi)
57 - Copper psd (Rol)
58 - Villamanin (Rol)
59 - Aegirine, (Rol)
60 - Magnesiohö (Rol)

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Who I am

My name is Simone Citon of Venice (the original, in Italy) and I'm an avid and insatiable mineral collector since child. Specially, I am a studious in the field of mineralogy culture, and in my collection, about 8000 specimens, you can see very good examples of classic Old-Europe localities .I also enjoy increasing suites like Tsumeb, Alpine minerals, and Rhodochrosite.
From 2000 at today, in the web, I have found very selected specimens, acquiring from important international dealers, like L. Conklin, J. Mc Avoy, B. Kosnar, C. Rewitzer and others. Therefore, considering valid the system of mineral sale via Internet, I have also some interesting (I hope) proposals on this professional site of my friend Athos. Please, for any questions or suggestions, contact me!

Enjoy your visit
Simone Citon

Cultminerals (last: Feb 22, 2024 )
30 new selected specimens from a fine collection.



Cultmineral Gallery



5 % on order greater than 100 Euro.(one more specimen) - No discount on specimens marked as 'net'.
Reservation period: Max 45-60 days.
Payment and Shipping methods,Return policy, privacy: see Minservice policies.



Sede Legale : Via Antonio Gramsci, 6 - 23100 SONDRIO
Iscritta al Registro Imprese di Sondrio - Numero REA : 71500
Cod.Fisc.: LCTTSA58L11I829X P.Iva: IT00836930149
Tel. +39 0342 511368 - email :

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