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1 - Fluorite (Min)
2 - Coquimbite (Min)
3 - Scheelite (Min)
4 - Labunstovi (Min)
5 - Mimetite o (Min)
6 - Celestine (Min)
7 - Burkeite (Min)
8 - Kermesite (Min)
9 - Mcguinnesi (Min)
10 - LInarite (Min)
11 - Beryl (Var (Min)
12 - Londonite (GMi)
13 - Fedotovite (GMi)
14 - Amazonite (GMi)
15 - Millerite (GMi)
16 - Corkite (GMi)
17 - Natrolite, (Rol)
18 - Hematite, (Rol)
19 - Fluorite, (Rol)
20 - Ferberite (Rol)
21 - Molybdenit (Rol)
22 - Silver, Py (Rol)
23 - Argyrodite (Rol)
24 - Tremolite (Rol)
25 - Anatase, H (Rol)
26 - Alunogen (Rol)
27 - Wulfenite (Rol)
28 - Pyromorphi (Rol)
29 - Nepheline (Rol)
30 - Lazulite (Rol)
31 - Manganberz (Rol)
32 - Pyrochlore (Min)
33 - Pyromorphi (Min)
34 - Calcite (Min)
35 - Fluorite (Min)
36 - Ferrierite (Min)
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38 - Rhodochros (GMi)
39 - Santabarba (GMi)
40 - Vivianite (GMi)
41 - Vivianite (GMi)
42 - Metastibni (GMi)
43 - Grossular (GMi)
44 - Titanite (GMi)
45 - Stannite (GMi)
46 - Babingtoni (GMi)
47 - Fluorite (Rol)
48 - Colusite, (Rol)
49 - Realgar (Rol)
50 - Analcime (Rol)
51 - Andradite (Rol)
52 - Dioptase (Rol)
53 - Plancheite (Rol)
54 - Szaibélyit (Rol)
55 - Arsenic on (Rol)
56 - Ecdemite ( (Rol)
57 - Fluorite (Rol)
58 - Axinite (Rol)
59 - Heyrovskit (Rol)
60 - Humite, Sp (Rol)

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