"Mr and Mrs Zerilli have collected minerals during the 60's to the early 90's of the last century, at the major italian mineral Shows, attending mineralogical associations in Padua area with which did trips searching minerals especially in the Euganean Hills, and going to buy at a mineral shop in Padua. They formed a collection of about 2400 samples, a fraction of which of systematic interest (stored in a cabinet), a substantial proportion (approximately 400) of local interest (in a cupboard ad hoc), the rest rather large samples, mostly of aesthetic value (very thickly were exposed in two large showcases), but seen today, local too, being often Italians. These are still according to their exhibition style, with base in plastic or plexiglass, labels written at pressure with old Dymo lable maker, black plastic material to attach the piece to the base, in some cases a slight coating with transparent lacquer (all was very fashionable in the 70's / 80's ...). From my point of view, these collections have a fascination for their old style and interest related to the fact that in today's many minerals are virtually gone from the market. I hope thereby to satisfy many Minservice customers ...
Please, for any questions or suggestions, contact me!
Enjoy your visit
Simone Citon
