Dear friends collectors of minerals, I am Gabriele Zaccaria , I began to collect at the end of the '80 years and I divide this hobby with my wife Maria Grazia. When we start, together were almost fourty and we tried at the first time to learn about the beautiful world of minerals, then to construct a little collection, that growth till the actual more than 1300 specimens and that is continuously growing in species and quality. Initially we looked mainly about aesthetic specimens, but we understood soon that we had a bigger satisfaction by collecting rare species with well formed crystals.
We decided to avoid the micromount minerals, with some very few exceptions, and we collect only systematic minerals that are visible with our naked eyes.
Naturally we have a high number of italian minerals but our collection is about specimens of all the world. Now we attend the main mineralshows in Italy and some in Europe , but the time to dedicate to our hobby is always a little bit. We hope to meet always your favour and we wish to you an interesting visit to our gallery. Please, for any questions or suggestions, contact us!
Please check also my discounted gallery, where there are many samples with a discount till 30 % and more (Visit Discount Gallery)
Enjoy your visit
Gabriele & Maria Grazia