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Grossular garnet - Sierra de Cruces - Mun. de Sierra Mojada - Coahuila - Mexico (#GM25014)

Some big, dark cherry coloured crystals of grossular garnet, with others minor, are stunning over the matrix of this specimen

Specimen weight:100 gr.
Crystal size:mm. 17
Overall size:62mm x 25 mm x 53 mm

Owner : GMineral (Voghera - Italy) View all dealer's minerals
This specimen will be shipped by: GMineral (Voghera - Italy)
Grossular garnet - Sierra de Cruces - Mun. de Sierra Mojada - Coahuila - Mexico

Diopside and grossular/hessonite garnet - Alpe delle Frasse - Lajetto - Condove - Torino prov. - Piedmont - Italy (#GM24071)

A little Alpine gem from a place famous for the high quality of the samples that were extracted here. Semi-transparent crystals of greenish diopside are together with brown/reddish garnets ...

Specimen weight:12 gr.
Crystal size:mm. 12
Overall size:25mm x 20 mm x 32 mm
Our Price: €105,00

Owner : GMineral (Voghera - Italy) View all dealer's minerals
This specimen will be shipped by: GMineral (Voghera - Italy)
Diopside and grossular/hessonite garnet - Alpe delle Frasse - Lajetto - Condove - Torino prov. - Piedmont - Italy

Grossular garnet - Asbestos - Les Sources RCM - Estrie - Québec - Canada (#MINS8882)

This cluster is seeded of several grossular crystal up to 8 mm wide all of them are transparent with excellent glassy luster and sharp striations.From an old find.

Specimen weight:1016 gr.
Crystal size:Up to 8 mm wide
Overall size:120mm x 90 mm x 50 mm

Owner : Minservice (Sondrio - Italy)Minservice : Minservice Galleries Main
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This specimen will be shipped by: Minservice

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Grossular garnet - Asbestos - Les Sources RCM - Estrie - Québec - Canada

Grossular Garnet var. Hessonite, Faiallo pass, Liguria , Italy (#11206_HESS_DANI)

Specimen very rich a dark red hessonite crystals on matrix.

Specimen weight:597 gr.
Crystal size:5 mm
Overall size:110mm x 75 mm x 50 mm
Our Price: €120,00

Owner : Rolando Minerals (Torino - Italy) View all dealer's minerals
This specimen will be shipped by: Rolando Minerals (Torino - Italy)
Grossular Garnet var. Hessonite, Faiallo pass, Liguria , Italy

Grossular/hessonite garnet - Alpe delle Frasse - Lajetto - Condove - Torino prov. - Piedmont - Italy (#GM23058)

Excellent alpine specimen of grossular/hessonite garnet. Numerous crystals with a beautiful dark red to orange color cover the surface. All of them are shiny and semi-transparent ...

Specimen weight:135 gr.
Crystal size:mm. 4
Overall size:64mm x 53 mm x 22 mm
Our Price: €90,00        MAKE AN OFFER

Owner : GMineral (Voghera - Italy) View all dealer's minerals
This specimen will be shipped by: GMineral (Voghera - Italy)
Grossular/hessonite garnet - Alpe delle Frasse - Lajetto - Condove - Torino prov. - Piedmont - Italy

Grossular on Pectolite - Jeffrey Mine, Val-des-Sources, Les Sources RCM, Estrie, Québec, Canada (#BALD0759)

On a carpet of Pectolite's crystals are implanted very glossy and gemmy Grossular's crystals, with a pleasant cognac color and good dimensions (up to 9 mm). Very nice piece, in very good conditions.

Specimen weight:73 gr.
Crystal size:Up to 9 mm
Overall size:65mm x 47 mm x 30 mm
Our Price: €95,00

Owner : Silvia's Crystals (Piacenza - Italy) View all dealer's minerals
This specimen will be shipped by: Silvia's Crystals (Piacenza - Italy)
Grossular on Pectolite - Jeffrey Mine, Val-des-Sources, Les Sources RCM, Estrie, Québec, Canada

Grossular, var. Hessonite with Diopside and "Chlorite" - Bellecombe, Châtillon, Aosta Valley, Italy (#BALD0699)

A very glossy and very brilliant carpet of Hessonite's crystals up to 7 mm, covers the sample almost completely. The red color of the garnet makes a good contrast with the green "Chlorite". There are also a few Diopside's crystals up to 6 mm.

Specimen weight:303 gr.
Crystal size:Up to 7 mm
Overall size:150mm x 72 mm x 70 mm
Our Price: €195,00

Owner : Silvia's Crystals (Piacenza - Italy) View all dealer's minerals
This specimen will be shipped by: Silvia's Crystals (Piacenza - Italy)
Grossular, var. Hessonite with Diopside and

Grossular - Biachella Valley, Sacrofano, Roma, Lazio, Italy (#FERR1431)

Specimen hosting three well defined, yellow xls of Grossular, well exposed on matrix from the classic occurences in the central Italy. Former Guglielmini collection, with label.

Specimen weight:55 gr.
Crystal size:0.5 cm
Overall size:50mm x 45 mm x 25 mm

Owner : Ferrero 's (Torino-Italy) View all dealer's minerals
This specimen will be shipped by: Ferrero 's (Torino-Italy)
Grossular - Biachella Valley, Sacrofano, Roma, Lazio, Italy

Sede Legale : Via Antonio Gramsci, 6 - 23100 SONDRIO
Iscritta al Registro Imprese di Sondrio - Numero REA : 71500
Cod.Fisc.: LCTTSA58L11I829X P.Iva: IT00836930149
Tel. +39 0342 511368 - email :

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