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Specimens online:856
Reserved spec.:44
Countries n°:61
What's New
1 - Fluorite (Min)
2 - Coquimbite (Min)
3 - Scheelite (Min)
4 - Labunstovi (Min)
5 - Mimetite o (Min)
6 - Celestine (Min)
7 - Burkeite (Min)
8 - Kermesite (Min)
9 - Mcguinnesi (Min)
10 - LInarite (Min)
11 - Beryl (Var (Min)
12 - Londonite (GMi)
13 - Fedotovite (GMi)
14 - Amazonite (GMi)
15 - Millerite (GMi)
16 - Corkite (GMi)
17 - Natrolite, (Rol)
18 - Hematite, (Rol)
19 - Fluorite, (Rol)
20 - Ferberite (Rol)
21 - Molybdenit (Rol)
22 - Silver, Py (Rol)
23 - Argyrodite (Rol)
24 - Tremolite (Rol)
25 - Anatase, H (Rol)
26 - Alunogen (Rol)
27 - Wulfenite (Rol)
28 - Pyromorphi (Rol)
29 - Nepheline (Rol)
30 - Lazulite (Rol)
31 - Manganberz (Rol)
32 - Pyrochlore (Min)
33 - Pyromorphi (Min)
34 - Calcite (Min)
35 - Fluorite (Min)
36 - Ferrierite (Min)
37 - Rhodochros (GMi)
38 - Rhodochros (GMi)
39 - Santabarba (GMi)
40 - Vivianite (GMi)
41 - Vivianite (GMi)
42 - Metastibni (GMi)
43 - Grossular (GMi)
44 - Titanite (GMi)
45 - Stannite (GMi)
46 - Babingtoni (GMi)
47 - Fluorite (Rol)
48 - Colusite, (Rol)
49 - Realgar (Rol)
50 - Analcime (Rol)
51 - Andradite (Rol)
52 - Dioptase (Rol)
53 - Plancheite (Rol)
54 - Szaibélyit (Rol)
55 - Arsenic on (Rol)
56 - Ecdemite ( (Rol)
57 - Fluorite (Rol)
58 - Axinite (Rol)
59 - Heyrovskit (Rol)
60 - Humite, Sp (Rol)

Policies & Procedures - How to Order

Overview :
Ordering is Easy and Secure at Minservice
Browse around our store at the mineral specimens available we have put these into categories to make this easier.
Click on the view button to see more information.

How to order:

  • Click on Add button if you want to add a specimen to your Cartshop.
  • Once you have added your items to the shopping cart click on 'proceed to checkout' on the shopping cart or 'checkout' on the top menu bar.
    Insert your 'Discount Code' before to proceed to checkout.
  • If you are an existing customer enter your email address and password and 'logon'.
    (If you have forgot your password click on the link "forgot your password?" below Logon button.)
  • If you are a new customer select 'New Customer' and enter your customer information

  • Fill or Check all data requested.
  • Select 'Next' and you will be shown the shipping amount to be added to your order

  • Select 'Next' and review your customer information and order details
  • Complete you order by selecting 'Submit Order' or cancel your order by selecting 'Cancel Order'
  • If you have selected 'PayPal' as your payment method click on the 'PayPal' button and you will be taken to PayPal's secure server to make payment
  • If you have selected 'Credit Card on Secure Server' as your payment method click on 'Click here to pay with Credit Card on Secure Server' button and you will be taken to Credit Card's secure server to make payment

  • Once your order has been submitted you should receive an email confirming your order (IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE A CONFIRMATION EMAIL PLEASE CONTACT US AS YOUR ORDER HAS NOT BEEN PROCESSED)
  • Orders are held for 3 days after which time if payment is not received it will be presumed you have changed your mind and the order cancelled.

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    Sede Legale : Via Antonio Gramsci, 6 - 23100 SONDRIO
    Iscritta al Registro Imprese di Sondrio - Numero REA : 71500
    Cod.Fisc.: LCTTSA58L11I829X P.Iva: IT00836930149
    Tel. +39 0342 511368 - email :

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