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You Searched For : Serandite Polylithionite Analcime Aegirine Poudrette Saint-Hilaire Quebec Canada Saums [0,0,0]

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Weloganite with Dresserite - Francon quarry, Montréal, Québec, Canada (TYPE LOCALITY) (#MINS8969)

Sharp, bright yellow Weloganite xl 9 mm set nicely on matrix with the typical layered prismatic shape with rare white Dresserite crystals in ballsup to 3 mm in association set on matrix from the type locality.

Specimen weight:50 gr.
Crystal size:9 mm
Overall size:50mm x 47 mm x 32 mm
Our Price: €65,00

Owner : Minservice (Sondrio - Italy)Minservice : Minservice Galleries Main
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This specimen will be shipped by: Minservice

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Weloganite with Dresserite - Francon quarry, Montréal, Québec, Canada (TYPE LOCALITY)

Analcime - Antrim Co., Ulster, Northern Ireland, UK (#11667_ANAL_DANI)

Very nice irish analcime xx on matrix.

Specimen weight:49 gr.
Crystal size:3 mm
Overall size:45mm x 25 mm x 50 mm
Our Price: €22,00

Owner : Rolando Minerals (Torino - Italy) View all dealer's minerals
This specimen will be shipped by: Rolando Minerals (Torino - Italy)
Analcime - Antrim Co., Ulster, Northern Ireland, UK

Miserite- Mont Saint Hilaire, Québec, Canada (#11848_MISE_DANI)

Rare light magenta-pinkinsh miserite xx on matrix.

Specimen weight:60 gr.
Crystal size:< 1 mm
Overall size:50mm x 30 mm x 30 mm
Our Price: €28,00

Owner : Rolando Minerals (Torino - Italy) View all dealer's minerals
This specimen will be shipped by: Rolando Minerals (Torino - Italy)
Miserite- Mont Saint Hilaire, Québec, Canada

Goyazite - Rapid Creek, Dawson Mining District, Yukon Territory, Canada (#MINS8937)

Rich specimen covered with sharp goyazite crystals to 4 mm.

Specimen weight:68 gr.
Crystal size:Up to 4 mm
Overall size:60mm x 32 mm x 33 mm
Our Price: €110,00

Owner : Minservice (Sondrio - Italy)Minservice : Minservice Galleries Main
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This specimen will be shipped by: Minservice

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Goyazite - Rapid Creek, Dawson Mining District, Yukon Territory, Canada

Uranophane - Faraday mine, Faraday Township, Ontario, Canada (#12689_URAN_DANI)

Superb uranophane xx on matrix.

Specimen weight:120 gr.
Crystal size:9 mm
Overall size:60mm x 40 mm x 25 mm
Our Price: €85,00

Owner : Rolando Minerals (Torino - Italy) View all dealer's minerals
This specimen will be shipped by: Rolando Minerals (Torino - Italy)
Uranophane - Faraday mine, Faraday Township, Ontario, Canada

Grossular garnet - Asbestos - Les Sources RCM - Estrie - Québec - Canada (#MINS8882)

This cluster is seeded of several grossular crystal up to 8 mm wide all of them are transparent with excellent glassy luster and sharp striations.From an old find.

Specimen weight:1016 gr.
Crystal size:Up to 8 mm wide
Overall size:120mm x 90 mm x 50 mm
Our Price: €280,00        MAKE AN OFFER

Owner : Minservice (Sondrio - Italy)Minservice : Minservice Galleries Main
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This specimen will be shipped by: Minservice

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Grossular garnet - Asbestos - Les Sources RCM - Estrie - Québec - Canada

Gmelinite - Two Islands, Parrsboro, Cumberland Co., Nova Scotia, Canada (#MINS8857)

Cluster of pastel pink Gmelinite xls up to 1,0 cm wide with very high luster, typical from here.

Specimen weight:15 gr.
Crystal size:Uo to 10 mm
Overall size:55mm x 30 mm x 23 mm
Our Price: €75,00

Owner : Minservice (Sondrio - Italy)Minservice : Minservice Galleries Main
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This specimen will be shipped by: Minservice

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Gmelinite - Two Islands, Parrsboro, Cumberland Co., Nova Scotia, Canada

Serandite, Donnayite-Y, Aegirine - Poudrette quarry, Mont Saint-Hilaire, Quebec, Canada (#12696_SERA_DANI)

Very nice serandite crystals cluster with rare donnayite xx, aegirine xx.

Specimen weight:30 gr.
Crystal size:34 mm
Overall size:32mm x 22 mm x 24 mm
Our Price: €250,00

Owner : Rolando Minerals (Torino - Italy) View all dealer's minerals
This specimen will be shipped by: Rolando Minerals (Torino - Italy)
Serandite, Donnayite-Y, Aegirine - Poudrette quarry, Mont Saint-Hilaire, Quebec, Canada

Analcime - Mount Kahovan - Semnan Distr. - Iran (#GM23073)

On a rocky matrix, a group of trapezohedral crystals of analcime. They are translucent, bright and have very well defined faces and edges. The color, orange-red, is selectively distributed ...

Specimen weight:115 gr.
Crystal size:mm. 23
Overall size:75mm x 36 mm x 40 mm

Owner : GMineral (Voghera - Italy) View all dealer's minerals
This specimen will be shipped by: GMineral (Voghera - Italy)

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Analcime - Mount Kahovan - Semnan Distr. - Iran

Analcime - Mount Kahovan - Semnan Distr. - Iran (#GM23072)

On a rocky matrix, a group of trapezohedral crystals of analcime. They are translucent, bright and have very well defined faces and edges. The color, orange-red, is selectively distributed ...

Specimen weight:220 gr.
Crystal size:mm. 12
Overall size:75mm x 68 mm x 46 mm
Our Price: €80,00

Owner : GMineral (Voghera - Italy) View all dealer's minerals
This specimen will be shipped by: GMineral (Voghera - Italy)
Analcime - Mount Kahovan - Semnan Distr. - Iran

Stilbite on Analcime - Cape Marrargiu, Bosa, Oristano Province, Sardinia, Italy (#BALD0779)

Pretty Stilbite in sheaf aggregates lays on a carpet of vitreous, very shiny Analcime's crystals that covers the geode entirely. Classic sample, photographed under strong light.

Specimen weight:127 gr.
Crystal size:Up to 7 mm
Overall size:79mm x 44 mm x 35 mm
Our Price: €35,00

Owner : Silvia's Crystals (Piacenza - Italy) View all dealer's minerals
This specimen will be shipped by: Silvia's Crystals (Piacenza - Italy)
Stilbite on Analcime - Cape Marrargiu, Bosa, Oristano Province, Sardinia, Italy

Labuntsovite-Mn - Poudrette quarry, Mont Saint-Hilaire, Québec, Canada (#9696a_LABU_DANI)

Very nice brown-orange labuntsovite xls on matrix.

Specimen weight:5 gr.
Crystal size:1 mm
Overall size:35mm x 18 mm x 14 mm
Our Price: €38,00

Owner : Rolando Minerals (Torino - Italy) View all dealer's minerals
This specimen will be shipped by: Rolando Minerals (Torino - Italy)
Labuntsovite-Mn - Poudrette quarry, Mont Saint-Hilaire, Québec, Canada

Rapidcreekite - Rapid Creek - Dawson mining Distr. - Yukon - Canada (#GM23053)

This specimen is partially covered by a white patina of rapidcreekite. In an area there are some minicurls of this rare sulfate.

Specimen weight:170 gr.
Crystal size:mm. 2
Overall size:75mm x 47 mm x 37 mm
Our Price: €180,00        MAKE AN OFFER

Owner : GMineral (Voghera - Italy) View all dealer's minerals
This specimen will be shipped by: GMineral (Voghera - Italy)

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Rapidcreekite - Rapid Creek - Dawson mining Distr. -  Yukon - Canada

Elpidite - Mont Saint-Hilaire, La Vallée-du-Richelieu RCM, Montérégie, Québec, Canada (#MINS8795)

Cluster of well defined Elpidite crystals in greenish gray blades up to 2,3 cm long.

Specimen weight:58 gr.
Crystal size:Up to 2,3 cm long
Overall size:62mm x 45 mm x 32 mm
Our Price: €95,00

Owner : Minservice (Sondrio - Italy)Minservice : Minservice Galleries Main
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This specimen will be shipped by: Minservice

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Elpidite - Mont Saint-Hilaire, La Vallée-du-Richelieu RCM, Montérégie, Québec, Canada

Dresserite - Francon quarry, Montréal, Québec, Canada (TL) (#MINS8772)

Rare white Dresserite crystals in balls up to 3.5 mm richly set on matrix from the type locality.

Specimen weight:58 gr.
Crystal size:Up to 3.5 mm wide
Overall size:43mm x 30 mm x 35 mm
Our Price: €65,00

Owner : Minservice (Sondrio - Italy)Minservice : Minservice Galleries Main
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This specimen will be shipped by: Minservice

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Dresserite - Francon quarry, Montréal, Québec, Canada (TL)

Weloganite - Francon quarry, Montréal, Québec, Canada (#BALD0769)

A nice group of Weloganite's crystals up to 10 mm, with a characteristic lemon-straw color, with pseudo-hexagonal habit, biterminated, with streaks perpendicular to the axis of development. Weloganite is a rare carbonate. Sample coming from...

Specimen weight:120 gr.
Crystal size:Up to 10 mm
Overall size:75mm x 53 mm x 23 mm
Our Price: €70,00

Owner : Silvia's Crystals (Piacenza - Italy) View all dealer's minerals
This specimen will be shipped by: Silvia's Crystals (Piacenza - Italy)
Weloganite - Francon quarry, Montréal, Québec, Canada

Microcline - West Lake Mine, Cardiff Township, Highlands East Township, Haliburton County, Ontario, Canada (#MINS8644)

Sharp, terminated Microcline xls up to 4 cm long with good colo on matrix.

Specimen weight:223 gr.
Crystal size:Up to 4,0 cm long
Overall size:90mm x 50 mm x 52 mm
List Price: €65,00
Our Price: €40,00
You Save: €25,00 (38%)Best price - No discount on this specimen

Owner : Minservice (Sondrio - Italy)Minservice : Minservice Galleries Main
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This specimen will be shipped by: Minservice

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Microcline - West Lake Mine, Cardiff Township, Highlands East Township, Haliburton County, Ontario, Canada

Grossular on Pectolite - Jeffrey Mine, Val-des-Sources, Les Sources RCM, Estrie, Québec, Canada (#BALD0759)

On a carpet of Pectolite's crystals are implanted very glossy and gemmy Grossular's crystals, with a pleasant cognac color and good dimensions (up to 9 mm). Very nice piece, in very good conditions.

Specimen weight:73 gr.
Crystal size:Up to 9 mm
Overall size:65mm x 47 mm x 30 mm
Our Price: €95,00

Owner : Silvia's Crystals (Piacenza - Italy) View all dealer's minerals
This specimen will be shipped by: Silvia's Crystals (Piacenza - Italy)
Grossular on Pectolite - Jeffrey Mine, Val-des-Sources, Les Sources RCM, Estrie, Québec, Canada

Analcime with Natrolite, Rhodochrosite and Aegirine - Poudrette quarry, Mont Saint-Hilaire, La Vallée-du-Richelieu RCM, Montérégie, Québec, Canada (#BALD0757)

Analcime's crystals, the biggest of 50 mm, are partially covered by 22 mm Natrolite's crystals, also biterminated, nice well formed Rhodochrosite's rosettes up to 15 mm and Aegirine, both in big crystals up to 38 mm and in small, slender...

Specimen weight:945 gr.
Crystal size:Up to 50 mm
Overall size:170mm x 130 mm x 82 mm
Our Price: €320,00

Owner : Silvia's Crystals (Piacenza - Italy) View all dealer's minerals
This specimen will be shipped by: Silvia's Crystals (Piacenza - Italy)
Analcime with Natrolite, Rhodochrosite and Aegirine - Poudrette quarry, Mont Saint-Hilaire, La Vallée-du-Richelieu RCM, Montérégie, Québec, Canada

Augelite on Siderite - Rapid Creek, Dawson mining district, Yukon, Canada (#BALD0746)

Augelite's crystals up to 5 mm, with a light green color, well evident on the Siderite's matrix in little brown crystals. Interesting sample.

Specimen weight:64 gr.
Crystal size:Up to 5 mm
Overall size:48mm x 48 mm x 28 mm
Our Price: €80,00

Owner : Silvia's Crystals (Piacenza - Italy) View all dealer's minerals
This specimen will be shipped by: Silvia's Crystals (Piacenza - Italy)
Augelite on Siderite - Rapid Creek, Dawson mining district, Yukon, Canada

Augelite - Rapid Creek area, Yukon, Canada (#10530_AUGE_DANI)

Very nice lime green augelite xx of textbook shape on matrix.

Specimen weight:159 gr.
Crystal size:7 mm
Overall size:70mm x 60 mm x 30 mm
Our Price: €178,00

Owner : Rolando Minerals (Torino - Italy) View all dealer's minerals
This specimen will be shipped by: Rolando Minerals (Torino - Italy)
Augelite - Rapid Creek area, Yukon, Canada

Chabazite - Wasson Bluff, Parrsboro, New Scotland, Canada (#10632_CHAB_DANI)

Very nice creamy chabazite xx on matrix.

Specimen weight:106 gr.
Crystal size:15 mm
Overall size:60mm x 20 mm x 35 mm
Our Price: €48,00

Owner : Rolando Minerals (Torino - Italy) View all dealer's minerals
This specimen will be shipped by: Rolando Minerals (Torino - Italy)
Chabazite - Wasson Bluff, Parrsboro, New Scotland, Canada

Augelite - Rapid Creek - Yukon Territories - Canada (#MINS8450)

Specimen with nice greenish Augelite crystals up to 5 mm wide on matrix.

Specimen weight:82 gr.
Crystal size:Up to 5 mm wide
Overall size:52mm x 50 mm x 30 mm
List Price: €65,00
Our Price: €45,00
You Save: €20,00 (31%)Best price - No discount on this specimen

Owner : Minservice (Sondrio - Italy)Minservice : Minservice Galleries Main
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This specimen will be shipped by: Minservice
Augelite - Rapid Creek - Yukon Territories - Canada

Kulanite and siderite - Big Fish River - Dawson Mining District - Yukon - Canada (#MINS8412)

Several very lustrous deep blue-green crystals up to 3.5 mm of this rare phosphate are spread all over the surface of this specimen.

Specimen weight:43 gr.
Crystal size:Up to 3.5 mm
Overall size:63mm x 38 mm x 15 mm
Our Price: €120,00

Owner : Minservice (Sondrio - Italy)Minservice : Minservice Galleries Main
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This specimen will be shipped by: Minservice
Kulanite and siderite - Big Fish River - Dawson Mining District - Yukon - Canada

Stilbite on Analcime - Punta de Libezzu, Alghero, Sardiinia, Italy (#12565_STIL_DANI)

Nice stilbite bow tie shaped xx on matrix with analicime xx.

Specimen weight:48 gr.
Crystal size:10 mm
Overall size:40mm x 35 mm x 35 mm
Our Price: €22,00

Owner : Rolando Minerals (Torino - Italy) View all dealer's minerals
This specimen will be shipped by: Rolando Minerals (Torino - Italy)
Stilbite on Analcime - Punta de Libezzu, Alghero, Sardiinia, Italy

Leifite - Poudrette quarry, Mont Saint-Hilaire, Québec, Canada (#8598d_LEIF_DANI)

This is a stunning specimen full of large rare leifite crystals on matrix with aegirine.

Specimen weight:25 gr.
Crystal size:4 mm
Overall size:33mm x 33 mm x 30 mm
Our Price: €128,00

Owner : Rolando Minerals (Torino - Italy) View all dealer's minerals
This specimen will be shipped by: Rolando Minerals (Torino - Italy)
Leifite - Poudrette quarry, Mont Saint-Hilaire, Québec, Canada

Korobitsynite (TL), Serandite, ? - Lovozeresky district, Kola, Murmansk, Russia (#11569_KORO_DANI)

Very nice colorless vitreous korobitsynite xls with orange serandite xls and an unknown mineral.

Specimen weight:36 gr.
Crystal size:1 mm
Overall size:45mm x 30 mm x 25 mm
Our Price: €38,00

Owner : Rolando Minerals (Torino - Italy) View all dealer's minerals
This specimen will be shipped by: Rolando Minerals (Torino - Italy)
Korobitsynite (TL), Serandite, ? - Lovozeresky district, Kola, Murmansk, Russia

Analcime - Mount Olladri quarries, Monastir, Sardinia, Italy (#10859_ANAL_DANI)

A classic. Transparent gemmy analcime xls on matrix.

Specimen weight:432 gr.
Crystal size:5 mm
Overall size:110mm x 50 mm x 65 mm
Our Price: €98,00

Owner : Rolando Minerals (Torino - Italy) View all dealer's minerals
This specimen will be shipped by: Rolando Minerals (Torino - Italy)
Analcime - Mount Olladri quarries, Monastir, Sardinia, Italy

Apophyllite - Siusi Alp, Gardena Valley, Bolzano Province, Trentino-Alto Adige, Italy (#FERR1468)

Fine, lustruous and transparent xls of Apophyllite on matrix. Nice contrast with the surrounding pink analcime. Perfect damage wise.

Specimen weight:65 gr.
Crystal size:1.2 cm
Overall size:70mm x 30 mm x 50 mm
Our Price: €75,00

Owner : Ferrero 's (Torino-Italy) View all dealer's minerals
This specimen will be shipped by: Ferrero 's (Torino-Italy)
Apophyllite - Siusi Alp, Gardena Valley, Bolzano Province, Trentino-Alto Adige, Italy

Gormanite - Big Fish River, Dawson Mining District, Yukon Territory, Canada (#FERR1448)

Fine cluster with large coverage of velvety-blue gormanite crystals on matrix, from the type locality. Rare.

Specimen weight:20 gr.
Crystal size:.
Overall size:35mm x 25 mm x 25 mm
Our Price: €110,00

Owner : Ferrero 's (Torino-Italy) View all dealer's minerals
This specimen will be shipped by: Ferrero 's (Torino-Italy)
Gormanite - Big Fish River, Dawson Mining District, Yukon Territory, Canada

Serandite, Polylithionite, Analcime, Aegirine - Poudrette quarry - Mont Saint-Hilaire, La Vallée-du-Richelieu RCM, Montérégie, Québec, Canada (#BALD0653)

A big Serandite's crystal with a myriad of other small crystals, with Analcime (15 mm), Polylithionite (15 mm) and Aegirine (12 mm). A classic of mineralogy.

Specimen weight:187 gr.
Crystal size:Up to 31 mm
Overall size:60mm x 61 mm x 49 mm
Our Price: €440,00

Owner : Silvia's Crystals (Piacenza - Italy) View all dealer's minerals
This specimen will be shipped by: Silvia's Crystals (Piacenza - Italy)
Serandite, Polylithionite, Analcime, Aegirine - Poudrette quarry - Mont Saint-Hilaire, La Vallée-du-Richelieu RCM, Montérégie, Québec, Canada

Weloganite with Calcite - Francon quarry, Montréal, Québec, Canada (#BALD0604)

In the vug of the fonolite's matrix, a group of Weloganite's crystals, accompanied by some Calcite's crystals, has developed.

Specimen weight:495 gr.
Crystal size:Up to 13 mm
Overall size:83mm x 80 mm x 58 mm
Our Price: €110,00

Owner : Silvia's Crystals (Piacenza - Italy) View all dealer's minerals
This specimen will be shipped by: Silvia's Crystals (Piacenza - Italy)
Weloganite with Calcite - Francon quarry, Montréal, Québec, Canada

Analcime and epidote - Imilchil - Er Rachidia Prov. - Drâa-Tafilalet Region - Morocco (#GM18013)

On a very dark green carpet of crystals of epidote two big withish spheres of analcime are visible, with another minor. From a recend find in Morocco ...

Gmineral - Discount Gallery

Specimen weight:420 gr.
Crystal size:mm. 12
Overall size:92mm x 70 mm x 63 mm
List Price: €55,00
Our Price: €42,00
You Save: €13,00 (24%)Best price - No discount on this specimen

Owner : GMineral (Voghera - Italy) View all dealer's minerals
This specimen will be shipped by: GMineral (Voghera - Italy)

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Analcime and epidote - Imilchil - Er Rachidia Prov. - Drâa-Tafilalet Region - Morocco

Analcime - Iscoba Mt - Nulvi - Anglona - Sassari Province - Sardinia - Italy (#GM15051)

A big crystal of white coloured analcime, plus others minor, is in good evidence over the surface of this specimen.

Gmineral - Discount Gallery

Specimen weight:124 gr.
Crystal size:mm. 26
Overall size:65mm x 55 mm x 36 mm
List Price: €54,00
Our Price: €40,00
You Save: €14,00 (26%)Best price - No discount on this specimen

Owner : GMineral (Voghera - Italy) View all dealer's minerals
This specimen will be shipped by: GMineral (Voghera - Italy)

Analcime - Iscoba Mt - Nulvi - Anglona - Sassari Province - Sardinia - Italy

Fluoro-richterite -Wilberforce - Monmouth Township - Haliburton Co. - Ontario - Canada (#GM13164)

Some semi-lustrous deep green crystals of this rare inosilicate are visible all around the specimen.

Gmineral - Discount Gallery

Specimen weight:110 gr.
Crystal size:mm. 12
Overall size:47mm x 35 mm x 48 mm
List Price: €44,00
Our Price: €30,00
You Save: €14,00 (32%)Best price - No discount on this specimen

Owner : GMineral (Voghera - Italy) View all dealer's minerals
This specimen will be shipped by: GMineral (Voghera - Italy)

Fluoro-richterite  -Wilberforce - Monmouth Township - Haliburton Co. - Ontario - Canada

Scapolite - Yates mine - Otter Lake - Pontiac RCM - Outaouais - Québec - Canada (#GM13098)

Some big crystals of scapolite are in good evidence, with traces of some other minors. Classic from this locality ! It becomes from an old collection.

Gmineral - Discount Gallery

Specimen weight:165 gr.
Crystal size:mm. 75
Overall size:50mm x 38 mm x 75 mm
List Price: €175,00
Our Price: €130,00
You Save: €45,00 (26%)Best price - No discount on this specimen

Owner : GMineral (Voghera - Italy) View all dealer's minerals
This specimen will be shipped by: GMineral (Voghera - Italy)

Scapolite - Yates mine - Otter Lake - Pontiac RCM - Outaouais - Québec - Canada

Catapleite - Poudrette quarry, Mont Saint-Hilaire, Québec, Canada (#FERR1022)

Fine cluster featuring several white, translucent xls of Catapleite. The xls show a clean tabular heaxagonal shape. Good quality!

Specimen weight:18 gr.
Crystal size:0,7 cm
Overall size:32mm x 25 mm x 20 mm
Our Price: €100,00        MAKE AN OFFER

Owner : Ferrero 's (Torino-Italy) View all dealer's minerals
This specimen will be shipped by: Ferrero 's (Torino-Italy)
Catapleite - Poudrette quarry, Mont Saint-Hilaire, Québec, Canada

Sede Legale : Via Antonio Gramsci, 6 - 23100 SONDRIO
Iscritta al Registro Imprese di Sondrio - Numero REA : 71500
Cod.Fisc.: LCTTSA58L11I829X P.Iva: IT00836930149
Tel. +39 0342 511368 - email :

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