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Lead and willemite - Garpenberg Norra mine - Garpenberg - Hedemora - Dalarna - Sweden (#:GM19080)

A big grey blade of lead is stunning over the matrix of this specimen It's partially peeled off from the matrix. The lead is an uncommon native element, it's difficult to find it as pure and not associated with some other elements. Over the matrix there are traces of willemite, that becomes red with UV short waves light. From a classic swedish mine !

GMineral - Discount Gallery

Specimen weight:120 gr.
Crystal size:mm. 21
Overall size: 80mm x 25 mm x 32 mm

List Price: € 115,00
Our Price:€ 92,00
You Save: € 23,00 (20%)
Best price - No discount on this specimen

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3-(SC) - Small Cabinet (Max 9.4 cm) Sweden GMineral - Discount Gallery

Owner : GMineral (Voghera - Italy) View all dealer's mineralsdownload catalog
This specimen will be shipped by: GMineral (Voghera - Italy)

Lead and willemite - Garpenberg Norra mine - Garpenberg - Hedemora - Dalarna - Sweden

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