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Lepidocrocite on Goethite - Eisenzecher Zug mine, Eiserfeld, Siegen, Siegen-Wittgenstein, Arnsberg, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany (#:MINS8843)

Translucent, red-brown crystals of lepidocrocite lining cavities in gossan matrix. Looks beautiful under magnification.

Formula :

System: orthorhombic Hardness:5 Rarity:not common
Strunz id:IV/F.6-40 - OXIDES and HYDROXIDES
Name origin: Note: "The red inclusions in many quartz crystals, often labelled by sellers as "lepidocrocite", are in fact normally hematite. We are unaware of any analytically confirmed red translucent scaly lepidocrocite as inclusions in quartz crystals. Likewise, colourfully iridescent mammillary "turgite" crusts are sometimes sold as "lepidocrocite" but are usually goethite.

Specimen weight:107 gr.
Crystal size:Up to 1.5 mm
Overall size: 48mm x 47 mm x 25 mm

Our Price:€ 100,00

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Owner : Minservice (Sondrio - Italy) Minservice Galleries Main download catalog
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Lepidocrocite on Goethite - Eisenzecher Zug mine, Eiserfeld, Siegen, Siegen-Wittgenstein, Arnsberg, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

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