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Bentorite with Portlandite - Hatrurim Formation, Negev, Israel (Type Locality) (#:MINS9028)

Bentorite is a very rare hydrated sulfate and is a member of the Ettringite Group. The Hatrurim Formation of Israel is the Type Locality. Portlandite is a rare Ca-hydroxide and is a member of the Brucite Group. Combination specimens are extremely rare from Israel. Chromium is the chromophore that causes the pretty lavender color. this specimen host purple bentorite with translucent, tabular plates of pearlescent lustre portlandite up to 1,0 cm .This is a rich and showy example of this extreme combination rarity.

Formula :
Ca6(Cr3+,Al)2[(OH)12/(SO4)3] * 26 H2O

System: hexagonal Hardness:2 Rarity:very rare
Name origin: Named in 1977 by Shulamit Gross in honor of Professor Yaakov K. Ben-Tor [February 13, 1910 Königsberg, East Prussia, Germany - October 29, 2002 La Jolla, California, USA], petrologist and geologist, Scripps Institute of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego, California, USA and Department head of Geology, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel from 1954-1966, for his contributions to the geology and mineralogy of Israel and the Middle East.

Specimen weight:62 gr.
Crystal size:sub-mm (bentorite) - Up t
Overall size: 56mm x 35 mm x 45 mm

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Owner : Minservice (Sondrio - Italy) Minservice Galleries Main download catalog
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Bentorite with Portlandite - Hatrurim Formation, Negev, Israel (Type Locality)

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