At Trimouns, Parisite-(Ce) and Synchisite-(Ce) are often present within the same crystal. Analyses on lots of specimen have shown that in sharp terminated crystal parisite-(Ce) is more often the main mineral, however in flat terminated crystals, synchysite-(Ce) is predominant.
Formula : Ca(Ce,La)2[F2/(CO3)3]
System: trigonal Hardness:4˝ Rarity:very rare
Strunz id:V/C.7-70 -
Name origin: After J.J. Paris, former Manager of the Muzo emerald mine, Muzo, Columbia.
Specimen weight:58 gr.
Crystal size:4 mm tall
Overall size: 48mm x 33 mm x 26 mm

Owner : Minservice (Sondrio - Italy) Minservice Galleries Main 
This specimen will be shipped by: Minservice