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59 - Heyrovskit (Rol)
60 - Humite, Sp (Rol)

Minservice gallery  GMineral gallery  Rolando gallery  Silvia's gallery  Ferrero's gallery  Cultminerals gallery 
Rolando's Minerals is a part time minerals dealership based near Turin in northern Italy that I just started over taking advantage of an opportunity offered to me by my friend Athos Locatelli.
I am a collector of "affordable" display quality specimens including some systematic yet aesthetic specimens.
My story is a common one, over the years specimens gets in the collection and others do get out and these last ones goes into boxes and take dust.
Sometimes it happens that to buy that particular specimens you have to buy a bunch of other specimens, as it happens that while you enjoy your holidays in exotic countries (well know to us collectors) you don't resist to walk around and shop some specimens here and there. I never buy in quantity but rather I try to select those few that says something to me.
The bottom line is that in my web pages you will see the type of specimens I do like and hope you will share my like for some of them.

Enjoy your visit

Danilo Rolando

January 27, 2025
- 15 specimen just published - more..

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Rolando Galleries

Go to main Rolando Gallery

Namibia and South Africa special gallery


- 5% on order between 150 Euro and 300 Euro;
- 10% on value exceeding 300 Euro
An order to qualify for discount must consist of two or more specimen.
Specimens marked as net price or subject to an accepted offer do not qualify for discount.
Reservation period: Max 45-60 days.
Payment and Shipping methods,Return policy, privacy: see Minservice policies.


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Sede Legale : Via Antonio Gramsci, 6 - 23100 SONDRIO
Iscritta al Registro Imprese di Sondrio - Numero REA : 71500
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