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Phlogopite - Koksha Valley - Badakashan Province - Afghanistan (#MINS9077)

Orange-brown Phlogopite crystals up to 1,0 cm long , mostly clear, on matrix.

Specimen weight:50 gr.
Crystal size:Uo to 1,0 cm
Overall size:58mm x 38 mm x 22 mm

Owner : Minservice (Sondrio - Italy)Minservice : Minservice Galleries Main
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This specimen will be shipped by: Minservice

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Phlogopite - Koksha Valley - Badakashan Province - Afghanistan

Chondrodite - Ladjuar Medam, Sar-e Sang, Koksha Valley, Kuran wa Munjan District, Badakhshan, Afghanistan (#MINS9079)

Dark red complex terminated crystal of Chondrodite 1,6 cm wide on minor matrix.

Specimen weight:4 gr.
Crystal size:1,6 cm wide
Overall size:16mm x 11 mm x 23 mm

Owner : Minservice (Sondrio - Italy)Minservice : Minservice Galleries Main
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This specimen will be shipped by: Minservice

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Chondrodite - Ladjuar Medam, Sar-e Sang, Koksha Valley, Kuran wa Munjan District, Badakhshan, Afghanistan

Diopside and epidote - Marky Khel - Spin Ghar Range - Khogyani Distr. - Nagarhar - Afghanistan (#GM24073)

The surface of this specimen is completely covered with dark green crystals of diopside, quite shiny and some even semi-transparent. The largest is 30 mm ...

Specimen weight:700 gr.
Crystal size:mm. 30
Overall size:94mm x 85 mm x 40 mm

Owner : GMineral (Voghera - Italy) View all dealer's minerals
This specimen will be shipped by: GMineral (Voghera - Italy)
Diopside and epidote - Marky Khel - Spin Ghar Range - Khogyani Distr. - Nagarhar - Afghanistan

Chondrodite - Ladjur Madan - Sar-e-sang - Badakshan - Afghanistan (#GM24059)

Numerous dark brown chondrodite crystals are prominently displayed on the surface of this specimen. The lighter ones have reddish reflections and are semitransparent. Former mineralogical collection of Sandro Maggia: no. C-25.

Specimen weight:25 gr.
Crystal size:mm. 7
Overall size:40mm x 32 mm x 25 mm

Owner : GMineral (Voghera - Italy) View all dealer's minerals
This specimen will be shipped by: GMineral (Voghera - Italy)

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Chondrodite - Ladjur Madan - Sar-e-sang - Badakshan - Afghanistan

Pollucite - Paprok, Kamdesh district, Nuristan, Afghanistan (#10623_POLL_DANI)

Large pollucite crystal with minor beryllonite.

Specimen weight:184 gr.
Crystal size:30 mm
Overall size:60mm x 55 mm x 35 mm
Our Price: €78,00

Owner : Rolando Minerals (Torino - Italy) View all dealer's minerals
This specimen will be shipped by: Rolando Minerals (Torino - Italy)
Pollucite - Paprok, Kamdesh district, Nuristan, Afghanistan

Elbaite on Quartz - Paprok, Kamdesh District, Nuristan, Afghanistan (#BALD0751)

Wonderful Elbaite's crystal, with color from pink (at the base) to light green (on the top), well terminated, translucent and gemmy, implanted on a Quartz's crystal. With two cuts, on the base and on one side, that are not so visible.

Specimen weight:145 gr.
Crystal size:13 mm
Overall size:64mm x 41 mm x 38 mm
Our Price: €260,00

Owner : Silvia's Crystals (Piacenza - Italy) View all dealer's minerals
This specimen will be shipped by: Silvia's Crystals (Piacenza - Italy)
Elbaite on Quartz - Paprok, Kamdesh District, Nuristan, Afghanistan

Vorobyevite –Diba-Darra - Deo Darrah - Kuran Wa Munjan Distr. - Badakshan – Afghanistan (#GM22065)

Numerous azur crystals of vorobyevite are seeded over the surface of this big crystal of quartz. It's a variety of beryl, an alkali-beryl

Specimen weight:200 gr.
Crystal size:mm. 3
Overall size:80mm x 58 mm x 30 mm
Our Price: €160,00        MAKE AN OFFER

Owner : GMineral (Voghera - Italy) View all dealer's minerals
This specimen will be shipped by: GMineral (Voghera - Italy)

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Vorobyevite –Diba-Darra - Deo Darrah - Kuran Wa Munjan Distr. - Badakshan – Afghanistan

Kunzite (var. of spodumene) - Dara-e-Pech Pegmatite field - Dara-e-Pech Distr. - Kunar - Afghanistan (#GM22026)

Excellent big floater of kunzite, without matrix. It has a nice pink color, is good terminated and is completely transparent. A high quality specimen !

Specimen weight:72 gr.
Crystal size:--
Overall size:122mm x 37 mm x 5 mm
Our Price: €750,00        MAKE AN OFFER

Owner : GMineral (Voghera - Italy) View all dealer's minerals
This specimen will be shipped by: GMineral (Voghera - Italy)

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Kunzite (var. of spodumene) - Dara-e-Pech Pegmatite field - Dara-e-Pech Distr. - Kunar - Afghanistan

Lazurite, pyrite and chondrodite - Sar-e-Sang distr. - Koksha valley - Badakhshan prov. - Afghanistan (#GM21063)

A big, dark blue colored crystal of lazurite is scattered out the whitish matrix of marble. Some areas of it have an electric blue color. Ther are some little, golden colored crystals of pyrite and some others of chondrodite ...

Specimen weight:175 gr.
Crystal size:mm. 25 x 22
Overall size:50mm x 32 mm x 53 mm
Our Price: €160,00

Owner : GMineral (Voghera - Italy) View all dealer's minerals
This specimen will be shipped by: GMineral (Voghera - Italy)

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Lazurite, pyrite and chondrodite - Sar-e-Sang distr. - Koksha valley - Badakhshan prov. - Afghanistan

Lazurite - Sar-e-Sang distr. - Koksha valley - Badakhshan prov. - Afghanistan (#GM21062)

A well formed, dark blue colored crystal of lazurite is scattered out of the white matrix. There is a strong contrast of color.

Specimen weight:215 gr.
Crystal size:mm. 16 x 13
Overall size:56mm x 42 mm x 46 mm
Our Price: €90,00

Owner : GMineral (Voghera - Italy) View all dealer's minerals
This specimen will be shipped by: GMineral (Voghera - Italy)

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Lazurite - Sar-e-Sang distr. - Koksha valley - Badakhshan prov. - Afghanistan

Lazurite - Sar-e-Sang distr. - Koksha valley - Badakhshan prov. - Afghanistan (#GM21061)

Two dark blue colored crystals of lazurite are in good evidence over the white marble of the matrix. There is a strong contrast of color.

Specimen weight:230 gr.
Crystal size:mm. 15 x 10
Overall size:66mm x 40 mm x 50 mm
Our Price: €65,00

Owner : GMineral (Voghera - Italy) View all dealer's minerals
This specimen will be shipped by: GMineral (Voghera - Italy)

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Lazurite - Sar-e-Sang distr. - Koksha valley - Badakhshan prov. - Afghanistan

Sede Legale : Via Antonio Gramsci, 6 - 23100 SONDRIO
Iscritta al Registro Imprese di Sondrio - Numero REA : 71500
Cod.Fisc.: LCTTSA58L11I829X P.Iva: IT00836930149
Tel. +39 0342 511368 - email :

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