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Goudeyite - Majuba Hill Mine, Antelope Mining District, Pershing County, Nevada, USA (TL) (#MINS8984)

Very rare rounded green aggregates of goudeyite on matrix from the type locality.

Specimen weight:44 gr.
Crystal size:sub-mm
Overall size:50mm x 30 mm x 30 mm
Our Price: €40,00

Owner : Minservice (Sondrio - Italy)Minservice : Minservice Galleries Main
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This specimen will be shipped by: Minservice

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Goudeyite - Majuba Hill Mine, Antelope Mining District, Pershing County, Nevada, USA (TL)

Manganite - Manganese deposit, Ilfeld, Harztor, Nordhausen, Thuringia, Germany (TL) (#MINS8988)

Here we see sharp and lustrous crystals of steel gray Manganite xls up to 1,2 cm. a nice specimen with well developed and sharp edged crystals. They are excellent striated as well, mostly superbly terminated.

Specimen weight:80 gr.
Crystal size:Up to 12 mm
Overall size:53mm x 25 mm x 35 mm
Our Price: €100,00

Owner : Minservice (Sondrio - Italy)Minservice : Minservice Galleries Main
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This specimen will be shipped by: Minservice

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Manganite - Manganese deposit, Ilfeld, Harztor, Nordhausen, Thuringia, Germany (TL)

Perovskite - Akhmatovskaya Kop' - Nazyamskie Mountains - Zlatoust - Chelyabinsk Oblast - Russia (TL) (#MINS8972)

Black colored Perovskite xl 7 mm wide on minor matrix from the type locality.

Specimen weight:8 gr.
Crystal size:mm. 7 mm
Overall size:22mm x 18 mm x 20 mm

Owner : Minservice (Sondrio - Italy)Minservice : Minservice Galleries Main
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This specimen will be shipped by: Minservice

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Perovskite - Akhmatovskaya Kop' - Nazyamskie Mountains - Zlatoust - Chelyabinsk Oblast - Russia (TL)

Woodwardite - West Caradon Mine, Crow's Nest, St Cleer, Cornwall, England, UK (TL) (#MINS8973)

Royal blue Woodwardite from this classic Cornish locality..A rare hydrated copper sulfate from an old find.

Specimen weight:4 gr.
Crystal size:-
Overall size:22mm x 15 mm x 6 mm

Owner : Minservice (Sondrio - Italy)Minservice : Minservice Galleries Main
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This specimen will be shipped by: Minservice

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Woodwardite -  West Caradon Mine, Crow's Nest, St Cleer, Cornwall, England, UK (TL)

Weloganite with Dresserite - Francon quarry, Montréal, Québec, Canada (TYPE LOCALITY) (#MINS8969)

Sharp, bright yellow Weloganite xl 9 mm set nicely on matrix with the typical layered prismatic shape with rare white Dresserite crystals in ballsup to 3 mm in association set on matrix from the type locality.

Specimen weight:50 gr.
Crystal size:9 mm
Overall size:50mm x 47 mm x 32 mm
Our Price: €65,00

Owner : Minservice (Sondrio - Italy)Minservice : Minservice Galleries Main
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This specimen will be shipped by: Minservice

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Weloganite with Dresserite - Francon quarry, Montréal, Québec, Canada (TYPE LOCALITY)

Newberyite - (TL) - Skipton Caves, Mt. Widderin, Skipton, Victoria, Australia (#12078_NEWB_DANI)

Very nice rare pale brown newberyite xx on matrix.

Specimen weight:8 gr.
Crystal size:< 1 mm
Overall size:15mm x 22 mm x 14 mm
Our Price: €32,00

Owner : Rolando Minerals (Torino - Italy) View all dealer's minerals
This specimen will be shipped by: Rolando Minerals (Torino - Italy)
Newberyite - (TL) - Skipton Caves, Mt. Widderin, Skipton, Victoria, Australia

Meionite (TL) - Mount Vesuvius, Campania, Italy (#10984_MEIO_DANI)

Truly superb creamy meionite xx on matrix.

Specimen weight:85 gr.
Crystal size:3 mm
Overall size:70mm x 35 mm x 35 mm
Our Price: €140,00

Owner : Rolando Minerals (Torino - Italy) View all dealer's minerals
This specimen will be shipped by: Rolando Minerals (Torino - Italy)
Meionite (TL) - Mount Vesuvius, Campania, Italy

Protochabourneite - Sant'Olga tunnel - Monte Arsiccio mine - Sant'Anna di Stazzema - Stazzema - Apuan Alps - Lucca prov. - Tuscany - Italy (TL) (#MINS8946)

Dark grey metallic Protochabournéite in xls on matrix from the type locality.

Specimen weight:20 gr.
Crystal size:< 1 mm
Overall size:38mm x 30 mm x 12 mm
Our Price: €42,00

Owner : Minservice (Sondrio - Italy)Minservice : Minservice Galleries Main
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This specimen will be shipped by: Minservice

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Protochabourneite - Sant'Olga tunnel - Monte Arsiccio mine - Sant'Anna di Stazzema - Stazzema - Apuan Alps - Lucca prov. - Tuscany - Italy (TL)

Meionite (TL) - Mt Somma, Campania, Italy (#11811_MEIO_DANI)

Truly superb creamy meionite xx on matrix.

Specimen weight:33 gr.
Crystal size:6 mm
Overall size:38mm x 39 mm x 28 mm
Our Price: €62,00

Owner : Rolando Minerals (Torino - Italy) View all dealer's minerals
This specimen will be shipped by: Rolando Minerals (Torino - Italy)
Meionite (TL) - Mt Somma, Campania, Italy

Barrerite (TL) - Sant' Efisio, Capo di Pula, Pula, Sardinia, Italy (#11405_BARR_DANI)

Nice white /colorless barrerite xx from the type locality.

Specimen weight:15 gr.
Crystal size:< 1 mm
Overall size:33mm x 23 mm x 14 mm
Our Price: €38,00

Owner : Rolando Minerals (Torino - Italy) View all dealer's minerals
This specimen will be shipped by: Rolando Minerals (Torino - Italy)
Barrerite (TL) - Sant' Efisio, Capo di Pula, Pula, Sardinia, Italy

Senegalite - Mount Kourou Diakouma, Saraya, Tambacounda Region, Senegal (TL) (#MINS8942)

Rich and extremely well displaying Senegalite vug coated by very sharp and lustrous crystals, with an intense yellow green color and transparency. The specimen is from a 2008 find at the Type Locality for the species.

Specimen weight:70 gr.
Crystal size:2 mm
Overall size:75mm x 45 mm x 22 mm
Our Price: €220,00

Owner : Minservice (Sondrio - Italy)Minservice : Minservice Galleries Main
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This specimen will be shipped by: Minservice

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Senegalite - Mount Kourou Diakouma, Saraya, Tambacounda Region, Senegal (TL)

Manandonite (TL) - Antandrokomby pegmatite, Manandona Valley, Fianarantsoa, Madagascar (#9942a_MANA_DANI)

This is a very nice &very rich manandoite xls on matrix.

Specimen weight:18 gr.
Crystal size:3 mm
Overall size:40mm x 35 mm x 28 mm
Our Price: €68,00

Owner : Rolando Minerals (Torino - Italy) View all dealer's minerals
This specimen will be shipped by: Rolando Minerals (Torino - Italy)
Manandonite (TL) - Antandrokomby pegmatite, Manandona Valley, Fianarantsoa, Madagascar

Thomsenolite (TL) - Ivigtut, Greenland (#11916_THOM_DANI)

Vitreous pale yellow thomsenolite xx on matrix.

Specimen weight:59 gr.
Crystal size:1 mm
Overall size:40mm x 30 mm x 27 mm
Our Price: €28,00

Owner : Rolando Minerals (Torino - Italy) View all dealer's minerals
This specimen will be shipped by: Rolando Minerals (Torino - Italy)
Thomsenolite (TL) - Ivigtut, Greenland

Parabutlerite (TL) - Alcaparrosa mine, Cerritos Bayos, Calama, Antofagasta, Chile (#8490a_PARA_DANI)

Rare brown-reddish parabutlerite xls of textbook shape on matrix wityh copiapite.

Specimen weight:30 gr.
Crystal size:2 mm
Overall size:45mm x 30 mm x 42 mm
Our Price: €38,00

Owner : Rolando Minerals (Torino - Italy) View all dealer's minerals
This specimen will be shipped by: Rolando Minerals (Torino - Italy)
Parabutlerite (TL) - Alcaparrosa mine, Cerritos Bayos, Calama, Antofagasta, Chile

Merlinoite (TL), Phillipsite - Cupaello quarry, Santa Rufina, ,Latium, Italy (#11814_MERL_DANI)

From type locality. Nice merlinoite xx specimen with globlualr Phillipsite.

Specimen weight:56 gr.
Crystal size:< 1 mm
Overall size:52mm x 32 mm x 30 mm
Our Price: €38,00

Owner : Rolando Minerals (Torino - Italy) View all dealer's minerals
This specimen will be shipped by: Rolando Minerals (Torino - Italy)
Merlinoite (TL), Phillipsite - Cupaello quarry, Santa Rufina, ,Latium, Italy

Montesommaite (TL) - Pollena quarries, Monte Somma, Campania, Italy (#9727a_MONT_DANI)

Super super rare stuff. This specimen offer one tiny but very well formed montesommaite xls on matrix.

Specimen weight:3 gr.
Crystal size:< 1 mm
Overall size:25mm x 20 mm x 10 mm
Our Price: €48,00

Owner : Rolando Minerals (Torino - Italy) View all dealer's minerals
This specimen will be shipped by: Rolando Minerals (Torino - Italy)
Montesommaite (TL) - Pollena quarries, Monte Somma, Campania, Italy

Raite (TL) - Lovozero Massif, Murmanskaya, Northern Region, Russia (#9762a_RAIT_DANI)

Outstanding raite crystals cluster.

Specimen weight:18 gr.
Crystal size:3 mm
Overall size:45mm x 30 mm x 30 mm
Our Price: €52,00

Owner : Rolando Minerals (Torino - Italy) View all dealer's minerals
This specimen will be shipped by: Rolando Minerals (Torino - Italy)
Raite (TL) - Lovozero Massif, Murmanskaya, Northern Region, Russia

Paravauxite (TL) - Siglo XX mine, Llallagua, ,Potosí Department, Bolivia (#11011_PARA_DANI)

Rare! Gemmy paravauxite xx on matrix.

Specimen weight:284 gr.
Crystal size:5 mm
Overall size:90mm x 110 mm x 30 mm
Our Price: €150,00

Owner : Rolando Minerals (Torino - Italy) View all dealer's minerals
This specimen will be shipped by: Rolando Minerals (Torino - Italy)
Paravauxite (TL) - Siglo XX mine, Llallagua, ,Potosí Department, Bolivia

Dresserite - Francon quarry, Montréal, Québec, Canada (TL) (#MINS8772)

Rare white Dresserite crystals in balls up to 3.5 mm richly set on matrix from the type locality.

Specimen weight:58 gr.
Crystal size:Up to 3.5 mm wide
Overall size:43mm x 30 mm x 35 mm
Our Price: €65,00

Owner : Minservice (Sondrio - Italy)Minservice : Minservice Galleries Main
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This specimen will be shipped by: Minservice

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Dresserite - Francon quarry, Montréal, Québec, Canada (TL)

Krettnichite (TL) - Krettnich, Wadern, Saarland, Germany (#11980_KRET_DANI)

Very rare reddish dark brown krettnichite xx on matrix.

Specimen weight:5 gr.
Crystal size:> 1 mm
Overall size:27mm x 10 mm x 9 mm
Our Price: €48,00

Owner : Rolando Minerals (Torino - Italy) View all dealer's minerals
This specimen will be shipped by: Rolando Minerals (Torino - Italy)
Krettnichite (TL) - Krettnich, Wadern, Saarland, Germany

Fettelite - Glasberg quarry, Nieder-Beerbach, Mühltal, Darmstadt-Dieburg, Darmstadt, Hesse, Germany (TL) (#MINS8736)

Cluster of trigonal lamellar crystals of very rare Fettelite up to 1 mm with internal red color from the type locality.Former Sandro Maggia coll. with original label.

Specimen weight:10 gr.
Crystal size:Up to 1 mm
Overall size:35mm x 26 mm x 10 mm
Our Price: €220,00

Owner : Minservice (Sondrio - Italy)Minservice : Minservice Galleries Main
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This specimen will be shipped by: Minservice

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Fettelite - Glasberg quarry, Nieder-Beerbach, Mühltal, Darmstadt-Dieburg, Darmstadt, Hesse, Germany (TL)

Yuksporite (TL) - Yukspor Mt, Khibiny Massif, Murmanskaya Oblast', Russia (#9760a_YUKS_DANI)

Silky brownish pink to red yuksporite on matrix.

Specimen weight:38 gr.
Crystal size:na
Overall size:76mm x 60 mm x 15 mm
Our Price: €38,00

Owner : Rolando Minerals (Torino - Italy) View all dealer's minerals
This specimen will be shipped by: Rolando Minerals (Torino - Italy)
Yuksporite (TL) - Yukspor Mt, Khibiny Massif, Murmanskaya Oblast', Russia

Paravauxite (TL) - Siglo XX mine, Llallagua, ,Potosí Department, Bolivia (#MINS8551)

Very nice specimen offering splendid light green Paravauxite crystals up to 1,0 associated with tan colored Sigloite xls richly set on matrix.

Specimen weight:172 gr.
Crystal size:Up to 10 mm
Overall size:80mm x 50 mm x 37 mm
Our Price: €200,00        MAKE AN OFFER

Owner : Minservice (Sondrio - Italy)Minservice : Minservice Galleries Main
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This specimen will be shipped by: Minservice
Paravauxite (TL) - Siglo XX mine, Llallagua, ,Potosí Department, Bolivia

Gordaite (TL) - Sierra Gorda, Antofagasta Region, Chile (#11356_GORD_DANI)

Superb greenish-light blue gordat xx on matrix.

Specimen weight:63 gr.
Crystal size:< 1 mm
Overall size:45mm x 30 mm x 35 mm
Our Price: €58,00

Owner : Rolando Minerals (Torino - Italy) View all dealer's minerals
This specimen will be shipped by: Rolando Minerals (Torino - Italy)
Gordaite (TL) - Sierra Gorda, Antofagasta Region, Chile

Vauxite (TL) - Siglo XX mine, Llallagua, Potosí Department, Bolivia (#9927b_VAUX_DANI)

Specimen featuring nice medium blue color radiating aggregates of Vauxite xls. In my view this is the best one of the lot I acquired a while ago.

Specimen weight:72 gr.
Crystal size:1 mm
Overall size:85mm x 85 mm x 17 mm
Our Price: €780,00        MAKE AN OFFER

Owner : Rolando Minerals (Torino - Italy) View all dealer's minerals
This specimen will be shipped by: Rolando Minerals (Torino - Italy)
Vauxite (TL) - Siglo XX mine, Llallagua, Potosí Department, Bolivia

Korobitsynite (TL), Serandite, ? - Lovozeresky district, Kola, Murmansk, Russia (#11569_KORO_DANI)

Very nice colorless vitreous korobitsynite xls with orange serandite xls and an unknown mineral.

Specimen weight:36 gr.
Crystal size:1 mm
Overall size:45mm x 30 mm x 25 mm
Our Price: €38,00

Owner : Rolando Minerals (Torino - Italy) View all dealer's minerals
This specimen will be shipped by: Rolando Minerals (Torino - Italy)
Korobitsynite (TL), Serandite, ? - Lovozeresky district, Kola, Murmansk, Russia

Manandonite (TL) - Antandrokomby pegmatite, Manandona Valley, Fianarantsoa, Madagascar (#9942_MANA_DANI)

This is a very nice &very rich manandoite xls on matrix.

Specimen weight:18 gr.
Crystal size:3 mm
Overall size:40mm x 35 mm x 28 mm
Our Price: €72,00

Owner : Rolando Minerals (Torino - Italy) View all dealer's minerals
This specimen will be shipped by: Rolando Minerals (Torino - Italy)
Manandonite (TL) - Antandrokomby pegmatite, Manandona Valley, Fianarantsoa, Madagascar

Alstonite (TL) - Brownley Hill mine, Nenthead, Cumberland, England, U.K. (#9833_ALST_DANI)

A classic. Alstonite xls of textbook shape on matrix with barite and witherite.

Specimen weight:255 gr.
Crystal size:5 mm
Overall size:62mm x 52 mm x 25 mm
Our Price: €158,00

Owner : Rolando Minerals (Torino - Italy) View all dealer's minerals
This specimen will be shipped by: Rolando Minerals (Torino - Italy)
Alstonite (TL) - Brownley Hill mine, Nenthead, Cumberland, England, U.K.

Ambrinoite (TL) - Signols quarries, Signols, Susa Valley, Piedmont, Italy (#9275_AMBR_DANI)

Super rare orange-red Ambrinoite xls on matrix.

Specimen weight:30 gr.
Crystal size:< 1 mm
Overall size:44mm x 23 mm x 31 mm
Our Price: €38,00

Owner : Rolando Minerals (Torino - Italy) View all dealer's minerals
This specimen will be shipped by: Rolando Minerals (Torino - Italy)
Ambrinoite (TL) - Signols quarries, Signols, Susa Valley, Piedmont, Italy

Tsumcorite (TL) - Tsumeb mine, Tsumeb, Otjikoto Region, Namibia (#9890_TSUM_DANI)

Nice rare Tsumcorite xls on matrix. Ex. S. Maggia collection.

Specimen weight:13 gr.
Crystal size:<1 mm
Overall size:35mm x 25 mm x 20 mm
Our Price: €98,00

Owner : Rolando Minerals (Torino - Italy) View all dealer's minerals
This specimen will be shipped by: Rolando Minerals (Torino - Italy)
Tsumcorite (TL) - Tsumeb mine, Tsumeb, Otjikoto Region, Namibia

Vauxite (TL), Metavauxite (TL) and Paravauxite (TL) - Siglo XX mine, Llallagua, ,Potosí Department, Bolivia (#9220_VAUX_DANI)

Specimen featuring nice blue color radiating aggregates of Vauxite xls associated with fibrous super rare Metavauxite xls and tabular Paravauxite xls.

Specimen weight:11 gr.
Crystal size:1 mm
Overall size:48mm x 26 mm x 22 mm

Owner : Rolando Minerals (Torino - Italy) View all dealer's minerals
This specimen will be shipped by: Rolando Minerals (Torino - Italy)
Vauxite (TL), Metavauxite (TL) and Paravauxite (TL) - Siglo XX mine, Llallagua, ,Potosí Department, Bolivia

Sede Legale : Via Antonio Gramsci, 6 - 23100 SONDRIO
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