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Krausite, coquimbite and alotrichite - Monte Arsiccio mine - Sant'Anna di Stazzema - Lucca prov. -  Apuan Alps - Tuscany - Italy (#:GM19104)

The unique real novelty at the Mineralshow of Munich 2019 is a recent found from Monte Arsiccio in Tuscany. An arabesque of pale violet colored and semitransparent crystals of coquimbite is seeded by several yellow-pale brown colored minicrystals of krausite. Some fibrous and white traces of alotrichite are visible somewhere.

Gmineral - Discount Gallery

Specimen weight:40 gr.
Crystal size:K. mm. 2 C. mm. 10
Overall size: 45mm x 21 mm x 19 mm

List Price: € 55,00
Our Price:€ 44,00
You Save: € 11,00 (20%)
Best price - No discount on this specimen

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2-(MI) - Miniature (Max 5.0 cm) Italy GMineral - Discount Gallery

Owner : GMineral (Voghera - Italy) View all dealer's mineralsdownload catalog
This specimen will be shipped by: GMineral (Voghera - Italy)

Krausite, coquimbite and alotrichite - Monte Arsiccio mine - Sant'Anna di Stazzema - Lucca prov. -  Apuan Alps - Tuscany - Italy

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